Are You a Humble Entrepreneur?

Humility is a personal characteristic or virtue characterized by a modest and respectful attitude towards oneself and others. It involves an honest recognition of one’s limitations, a lack of arrogance or excessive pride, and a willingness to acknowledge and learn from one’s mistakes and experiences. Humble individuals typically exhibit qualities such as:

  1. Self-Awareness: Humble individuals have a realistic understanding of their strengths and weaknesses. They do not overestimate their abilities or importance.
  2. Openness to Feedback: They are receptive to feedback, constructive criticism, and differing perspectives. They view feedback as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement.
  3. Empathy: Humble individuals show empathy and compassion toward others. They consider the feelings and perspectives of others and treat them with respect and kindness.
  4. Gratitude: They express gratitude for the contributions and support of others in their lives. They do not take their achievements or success for granted.
  5. Modesty: Humility is often associated with modesty in behavior, dress, and presentation. It involves avoiding ostentatious displays of wealth or achievements.
  6. Team Player: Humble individuals are often effective team players. They collaborate well with others, share credit, and do not seek to dominate or overshadow their peers.
  7. Teachable: They have a teachable spirit and are willing to learn from experiences, whether positive or negative. They do not have an overly rigid or closed mindset.
  8. Adaptability: Humble individuals are adaptable and open to change. They do not cling to outdated beliefs or habits if they no longer serve them well.
  9. Self-Reflection: Humility often involves self-reflection and introspection. Individuals may take time to contemplate their actions, motivations, and values.
  10. Lack of Arrogance: Humble individuals do not exhibit arrogance, conceit, or a sense of entitlement. They do not belittle or demean others.
  11. Service-Oriented: Many humble individuals have a service-oriented mindset. They are willing to help and support others without expecting recognition or praise in return.
  12. Respect for Others: They treat others, regardless of their background or status, with respect and dignity. They do not discriminate or look down on others.

Humility is considered a virtuous quality in various cultures and philosophies because it fosters positive interpersonal relationships, collaboration, and personal growth.

It allows individuals to recognize that they are not infallible and that there is always room for improvement and learning. Humility often leads to greater self-awareness and a deeper sense of connection with others.

🤖 Source: ChatGPT

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Published by John W. Tanner, J.D.|M.S.

John holds four degrees (law, hotel management, literature & computer science, and theater), two decades of technical education, and has 30 years of extensive work experience in the fields of real estate property valuation, mortgage finance, home sales, teaching, and military service. John is the founder and Broker-Owner of Coleman Tanner Realty 🏡 in Florida. As a writer, John has been self-publishing books since 2012. His latest nonfiction book, The Entrefluential Broker, is a DIY guide to launching your own real estate brokerage business. John’s forthcoming book, STR Conversions, will inform real estate investors of how to quadruple their rental income via his new “hotel hacking” strategy. He plans on taking his lessons to online and offline speaking stages to share his tactics with investors in the second half of 2022. To discuss speaking engagements and workshops, interested parties can send inquiries to In addition to writing, John has a love for filmmaking that began while studying theater at Miami-Dade College in 1994. John plans on overseeing the shooting of an in-house “reality tv” show for his real estate practice, Coleman Tanner Realty. 🎬 John also aspires to executive produce independent films that will be a hybrid of the film noir + murder mystery genre and something new, futuristic, and aesthetically appealing to modern day film enthusiasts (think, anime in real life meets Sherlock Holmes). He also enjoys romantic comedies and Hallmark dramas; he wrote a romantic novella, Faithfully, available on Amazon (under the pen name of Jack Morgan) - so stay tuned for romance films as well. When he’s not 🖥 online studying film production, AirBnB, real estate, online marketing, or watching movies and his favorite TV shows on Netflix or the tube 📺 for inspiration. 🎼 John also enjoys playing the guitar 🎸 and piano 🎹 in his free time.

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