The Entrefluential Author Tip: Writing Advertorials

As a freelance writer, you should consider writing advertorials for small business owners because it offers you a chance to:

  1. Expand your portfolio: Creating advertorials adds diversity to a writer’s portfolio, showcasing your ability to craft persuasive content.
  2. Generate income: Advertorials provide freelance writers with opportunities to earn income from your writing skills, especially when working with small business owners who may have limited marketing budgets.
  3. Build relationships: Collaborating with small business owners on advertorials can lead to long-term partnerships and referrals, enhancing your network and reputation.
  4. Support local businesses: Helping small business owners effectively promote their products or services through advertorials contributes to the growth and success of local economies.

What goes into writing a good advertorial?

A successful advertorial maintains authenticity, trustworthiness, and accuracy in presenting information about the products or services it promotes. It strikes a balance between providing information and promotional content while reflecting the tone of voice of the publisher. Your goal is to help the reader stand in the shoes of the protagonist (the business owner’s client) of your story.

Here’s how to create successful advertorials:

  • Gain insight into your client’s audience. Investigate the target demographic of the business owner and their perspective on your client’s product or service.
  • Adopt the tone of the publisher when writing. Mirror their style and voice. For example, if your client likes Cosmopolitan, then mirror the style of prior articles published inside the magazine.
  • Craft a captivating headline. Explore the publisher’s typical titles and incorporate emotional or surprising language to grab attention.
  • Create a compelling introduction. Capture and maintain readers’ interest throughout the opening.
  • Weave a narrative. Engage readers by narrating a story that resonates with their concerns or challenges, then illustrate how your client’s offerings provide solutions.
  • Add supporting details to substantiate your assertions. Bolster the credibility and authority of your advertorial by utilizing statistics, test outcomes, and additional sources.
  • Incorporate a “call to action” clincher sentence. Guide the reader on where and how to obtain the product or service.

There you have it! These simple instructions can help you become a freelance business marketing writer. They get to promote their business 📣 💼 and you get to earn 💵💰 money from your natural writing ✍️ skills while having a fun time 🎉 in your profitable side hustle. Win-Win!

You now have permission to reach out to small business owners who need marketing materials to reach their ideal clients and start earning some side hustle 💵 cash!

Yours in Success!

John W. Tanner, J.D.|M.S.

Co-founder, The Entrefluential Life

Live Life Entrefluentially!

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Published by John W. Tanner, J.D.|M.S.

John holds four degrees (law, hotel management, literature & computer science, and theater), two decades of technical education, and has 30 years of extensive work experience in the fields of real estate property valuation, mortgage finance, home sales, teaching, and military service. John is the founder and Broker-Owner of Coleman Tanner Realty 🏡 in Florida. As a writer, John has been self-publishing books since 2012. His latest nonfiction book, The Entrefluential Broker, is a DIY guide to launching your own real estate brokerage business. John’s forthcoming book, STR Conversions, will inform real estate investors of how to quadruple their rental income via his new “hotel hacking” strategy. He plans on taking his lessons to online and offline speaking stages to share his tactics with investors in the second half of 2022. To discuss speaking engagements and workshops, interested parties can send inquiries to In addition to writing, John has a love for filmmaking that began while studying theater at Miami-Dade College in 1994. John plans on overseeing the shooting of an in-house “reality tv” show for his real estate practice, Coleman Tanner Realty. 🎬 John also aspires to executive produce independent films that will be a hybrid of the film noir + murder mystery genre and something new, futuristic, and aesthetically appealing to modern day film enthusiasts (think, anime in real life meets Sherlock Holmes). He also enjoys romantic comedies and Hallmark dramas; he wrote a romantic novella, Faithfully, available on Amazon (under the pen name of Jack Morgan) - so stay tuned for romance films as well. When he’s not 🖥 online studying film production, AirBnB, real estate, online marketing, or watching movies and his favorite TV shows on Netflix or the tube 📺 for inspiration. 🎼 John also enjoys playing the guitar 🎸 and piano 🎹 in his free time.

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