For Coaches

Coming soon!

“Train the Trainer” Workshop Facilitator Program

Let’s educate entrepreneurs together.

Want to learn more? Join our waiting list!

The Problem:

❌ We love teaching 🧑🏼‍🏫 👩🏾‍🏫 👨🏻‍🏫 + We want to work with students 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏼🙋🏻‍♂️🙋🏾‍♀️ who LOVE to learn = ❓

Are you a frustrated teacher?

American teachers have been quitting their jobs at alarming numbers since the Covid crisis began in early 2020. Why? Maybe it is because we have been bound by hand-tying “red tape” bureaucracy of an outdated public school system. Maybe it is because of the continuously controversial legislature that is being promulgated by the new political regime. Maybe it’s because of the dangerous work environment and harsh temperaments of unruly children fueled by today’s arguably hostile social/pop culture (such as those destructively reckless “Tik Tok challenges” in 2021). And maybe it’s because of the anxiety-inducing, ubiquitous adversarial parent-teacher conferences where, at best, parents want the best for their children, but don’t know how to help them succeed, or where a few questionable parents seem to be seeking any excuse to win a “law suit lottery,” at worst.

(Note: “law suit lottery” is a theory I learned about in law school where US citizens are considered to be the most litigious society in the world.)

When I was a secondary English teacher, I was frustrated too for all of these reasons, which is why I quietly quit in December of 2021.

I grew overly anxious about reporting to work every day, so much so that I felt pain in my stomach every day and I resented getting out of bed.

To mitigate this issue, I woke up at 0430 every day to “hit the gym” so I could release built-up toxins from my body – just to be able to function through the work day. But it wasn’t helpful enough.

My mind was spinning with engineering an exit strategy every single work day. I tried to return to university, but was ultimate not admitted into a highly competitive post-graduate law program in commercial real estate development. Thus, I continued driving for Uber (my side hustle since 2013) while I worked on a new plan of action – we all know that teachers aren’t the highest paid profession, right?

But I don’t want to bore you with a history of my feelings & life experiences, understanding that you already know this scenario all too well. Instead, I’m here to share a solution with you – it may be helpful for those teachers who, like me, secretly yearn for an “exit strategy!”

The Solution!

✅ We Teach Startup Entrepreneurs‼️

We’re looking for a few good teachers to become The Entrefluential Life Personal Empowerment and Professional Development Coaches!

(Cue music: 🎶 “you can whip it! Whip it good!”

How would you like to work with a classroom of adult students who show up excited to learn from you and get paid extremely well while doing it?

Our “train the trainer” program will teach you how to facilitate our new nationwide two-day weekend workshops where you will have the opportunity to help new entrepreneurs start a podcast and YouTube channel, create 30 days of social media content using Canva, take professional “red carpet” celebrity style photos for their social media marketing, film participants as they deliver riveting speeches on stage to a live audience, and help them write one chapter of a compilation book to become published authors. 🤩

Sound fun? It Will Be!

Next Steps?

Join our waiting list by filling in your contact information below👇 and we’ll let you know just as soon as our train the trainer course opens. (Don’t worry, it’ll be free of charge.) The goal here is to make money with you, not from you!

We need workshop facilitators and Entrefluential life & business coaches in every major city across the United States to reach our goal of becoming the #1 source for Entrefluential solutions for young adults entering the workforce for the first time and for mid-life to senior citizens who want/need a new career and prefer to be their own boss!

Will you help us? Let’s do this!

Former Florida Certified Grades 6-12 English Language Arts Teacher, FL DOE #1176688
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