Student Saturday: Life Coach Spirit Warrior-in-Training

Welcome to the Spirit Warrior Academy


Dear Spirit Warrior-in-Training,

   Welcome to your journey of faith and growth! As your Christian Life Coach Instructors, we are here to guide you along the path towards becoming strong and courageous warriors of the Spirit, much like the Jedi Knights in the legendary tales of Star Wars.

Just as a Jedi Knight honed their skills in the Force to bring balance and peace to the galaxy, you too are called to harness the power of God’s love and grace within you.

Through prayer, study of Scripture, and spiritual disciplines, you will cultivate a deep connection with the divine, allowing His wisdom and strength to flow through you. Remember, like a Jedi, you will face trials and temptations along your journey. But fear not, for the Holy Spirit is your ever-present guide and protector. 

   With faith as your lightsaber and righteousness as your armor, you can overcome any obstacle that stands in your way. As you train and grow, seek out fellow Spirit Warriors for support and fellowship.

Just as Jedi Padawans learn from their masters and journey alongside their peers, so too can you draw strength from your Christian community. Together, you can encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and celebrate victories both big and small.

And never forget the ultimate example of courage and sacrifice—Jesus Christ, the greatest Spirit Warrior of all. His life, death, and resurrection serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for your own journey. So let His teachings and example guide you as you walk the path of discipleship.

May the Force of God’s love be with you always, young Spirit Warrior-in-Training. Trust in His guidance, rely on His strength, and let your light shine brightly in a world in need of hope and healing. Amen.

Setting Foot on a Faith-Fueled Journey: Embracing the Path of a Star Wars Life Coach Spirit Warrior-in-Training

In the mystical realm of entrepreneurship, venturing into the realm of a life coach Spirit Warrior-in-Training is akin to embarking on a thrilling odyssey brimming with purpose, faith, and the potential to reshape destinies.

Much like the captivating saga of Star Wars, this expedition unfolds through eight pivotal milestones, each contributing to the forging of a distinct and impactful coaching venture.

1. Discovering Your Calling: Unveiling Your Role in the Spirit Warrior Order

Just as every Jedi apprentice discerns their unique path within the Order, aspiring Christian life coaches are encouraged to identify their specialized focus – their calling.

This deliberate choice lays the groundwork for a coaching journey rooted in passion, values, and the specific needs of those they seek to guide.

2. Crafting Vision and Mission Statements: The Force Behind Your Coaching Journey

At the heart of every epic Star Wars adventure lies a compelling vision and mission. Similarly, for Spirit Warrior apprentices turned coaches, crafting clear and inspiring vision and mission statements is paramount.

These statements serve as guiding beacons, illuminating the path towards a purpose-driven Christian life coaching venture.

3. Choosing Your Jedi Moniker: A Name that Echoes Across the Galaxy

Much like a title in the Star Wars universe encapsulates the essence of a character, selecting a moniker for your Christian life coaching venture is a significant stride.

This name becomes the rallying cry resonating with the core ethos and mission, beckoning clients into a realm of transformative coaching experiences.

4. Creating a Legal Entity: Fortifying the Spirit Warrior Temple

Establishing the foundations of an income-producing life or business coaching kingdom necessitates the creation of a legal entity (such as an LLC or S-corporation), akin to fortifying the walls of a Jedi temple.

Registering your EIN taxpayer number with the IRS to make quarterly payments is like registering your name with the Jedi Council, and securing financial resources with a business bank account will solidify the structure of your business, providing a sturdy base from which your Christian life and/or business coaching and course creation venture can thrive.

5. Designing Your Holocron: The Gateway to Your Coaching Kingdom

In the age of hyperdrive communication, a coaching holocron (your website) serves as the gateway to the Spirit Warrior-in-Training realm.

It’s a digital space where potential clients encounter the apprentice’s journey, services, and the transformative power they wield.

6. Choosing Management Tools: Harnessing the Force Behind-the-Scenes

Behind every seamless Star Wars saga lies sophisticated technology and tools. Similarly, selecting management software serves as the behind-the-scenes magic for Spirit Warrior apprentices turned Christian life coaches.

We use Paperbell (get a free trial) because it handles all of the back office tech we need to serve our clients and they pay a generous referral fee to their affiliate partners.

Paperbell streamlines landing pages, billing, scheduling, administrative tasks (like contract signing), and email automation, allowing coaches to focus on the heart of their calling – guiding and transforming lives.

7. Designing Coaching Quests: Crafting Galactic Transformations

In the spirit of Star Wars’ legendary adventures, like a Jedi padawan, Spirit Warrior apprentices design coaching quests that intertwine personal and professional growth and Christian lifestyle transformation.

These quests become the cosmic odysseys through which clients embark on their unique journeys towards enlightenment and spiritual empowerment.

8. Marketing Your Services: Extending Invitations to Join the Galactic Alliance

Just as Jedi Knights invite beings from across the galaxy to join the fight against darkness, marketing a Christian life coaching business is as simple as extending an invitation.

Becoming a Christian life coach volunteer is an opportunity to share the transformative power of the Good News (our salvation through Jesus Christ), connect with prospective clients, and guide them towards a journey of personal and professional growth, resilience, and fulfillment.


In the vast expanse of life coaching and entrepreneurship, merging the principles of Spirit Warrior apprenticeship with the allure of a Star Wars narrative creates a saga of purpose, impact, and transformative potential.

Through these eight milestones, aspiring Christian life coaches embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, inviting clients to step into a universe where faith, coaching, and the magic of Star Wars converge.

Live Life Entrefluentially!

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Published by John W. Tanner, J.D.|M.S.

John holds four degrees (law, hotel management, literature & computer science, and theater), two decades of technical education, and has 30 years of extensive work experience in the fields of real estate property valuation, mortgage finance, home sales, teaching, and military service. John is the founder and Broker-Owner of Coleman Tanner Realty 🏡 in Florida. As a writer, John has been self-publishing books since 2012. His latest nonfiction book, The Entrefluential Broker, is a DIY guide to launching your own real estate brokerage business. John’s forthcoming book, STR Conversions, will inform real estate investors of how to quadruple their rental income via his new “hotel hacking” strategy. He plans on taking his lessons to online and offline speaking stages to share his tactics with investors in the second half of 2022. To discuss speaking engagements and workshops, interested parties can send inquiries to In addition to writing, John has a love for filmmaking that began while studying theater at Miami-Dade College in 1994. John plans on overseeing the shooting of an in-house “reality tv” show for his real estate practice, Coleman Tanner Realty. 🎬 John also aspires to executive produce independent films that will be a hybrid of the film noir + murder mystery genre and something new, futuristic, and aesthetically appealing to modern day film enthusiasts (think, anime in real life meets Sherlock Holmes). He also enjoys romantic comedies and Hallmark dramas; he wrote a romantic novella, Faithfully, available on Amazon (under the pen name of Jack Morgan) - so stay tuned for romance films as well. When he’s not 🖥 online studying film production, AirBnB, real estate, online marketing, or watching movies and his favorite TV shows on Netflix or the tube 📺 for inspiration. 🎼 John also enjoys playing the guitar 🎸 and piano 🎹 in his free time.

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