Student Saturday: Embarking on a Faith-Fueled Journey: Integrating Christian Life Coaching and the Magic of Entrepreneurship


Dear Christian Life Coach Princess of Peace-in-Training,

Welcome to episode one of a faith-fueled Christian Life Coach journey, where we intertwine the timeless wisdom of Christian life coaching with the enchanting magic of Disney and entrepreneurship.

As we navigate through the mystical realms of coaching excellence, we invite you to embark on a transformative odyssey that transcends conventional boundaries.

In this module, we’ll uncover the magical foundations that underpin Christian life coaching excellence, delving into 8 building blocks that serve as guiding beacons on our faithful coaching journey.

Along the way, we’ll address common queries with a sprinkle of Disney magic, infusing our discussions with the whimsical charm of beloved characters and stories. 

   Prepare to set sail on a divine coaching odyssey as we unveil the 8 Steps to Launch Your Christian Coaching Business, illuminating the path to spiritual growth and personal development.

Together, we’ll navigate the kingdom of coaching, charting a faithful journey towards our shared vision of transformative impact.

But that’s not all — our quest continues with a deep dive into the S.M.A.R.T. G.R.O.W.T.H. framework, a powerful tool that empowers Christian coaches to guide their clients towards their goals with precision and purpose.

Without further ado, Life Coach Princess, fasten your fairy wings and prepare for an enchanting voyage through the realms of magical coaching excellence and divine guidance. Let’s embark on this kingdom quest together, armed with faith, wisdom, and a touch of Disney magic.

May the Holy Spirit be with us as we unveil the secrets of transformative Christian Life Coaching in episode one.

1.1 Embarking on a Faith-Fueled Journey: Integrating Christian Life Coaching and the Magic of Entrepreneurship

In the enchanted world of entrepreneurship, embarking on a Christian life coaching venture is akin to setting foot on a magical journey filled with purpose, faith, and the power to transform lives.

Much like a beloved Disney movie, this adventure unfolds through eight essential building blocks, each contributing to the creation of a unique and impactful coaching venture.

  1. Discovering Your Niche: Finding Your Fairytale Story in the Life Coaching Kingdom

Just as every Disney character has a unique story to tell, aspiring Christian life coaches are encouraged to choose their specialized area of concentration – their niche.

This deliberate choice sets the stage for a coaching journey that aligns with their passions, values, and the specific needs of those they aim to serve.

  1. Crafting Vision and Mission Statements: The Heartbeat of Your Coaching Tale

In the heart of any timeless Disney narrative lies a compelling vision and mission. Similarly, for Christian life coaches, crafting clear and inspiring vision and mission statements is pivotal.

These statements serve as the guiding star, illuminating the path toward a purpose-driven coaching venture.

  1. Choosing Your Business Name: A Name that Echoes Through the Kingdom

Just as a Disney movie’s title captures the essence of the story, choosing a business name for a Christian life coaching venture is a significant step.

This name becomes the beacon that resonates with the core values and mission, inviting clients into a world of transformative coaching experiences.

  1. Creating a Legal Entity: Building the Castle Walls

Building the foundations of your own income-producing coaching kingdom requires creating a legal entity (such as an LLC or S-corporation), much like constructing the walls of a castle.

Registering an EIN with the IRS for quarterly tax payments and opening a bank account will fortify your business structure, providing a solid base from which your coaching business venture can flourish.

  1. Designing Your Website: The Portal to Your Coaching Kingdom

A Disney movie often transports audiences to magical worlds through enchanting portals. In the digital age, a coaching website serves as a client’s portal to your Christian life coaching kingdom.

It’s a space where potential clients discover your magical story, your coaching services and online courses, and the transformative magic you bring.

  1. Choosing Back Office Software: Behind-the-Scenes Enchantment

Behind every Disney movie’s seamless production lies sophisticated technology and tools. Similarly, selecting back office software is the behind-the-scenes enchantment for Christian life coaches.

We use Paperbell because it handles all of the back office tech we need to serve our clients and they pay a generous referral fee to their affiliate partners.

Paperbell streamlines landing pages, billing, scheduling, administrative tasks (like contract signing), and email automation, allowing coaches to focus on the heart of their calling – guiding and transforming lives.

  1. Designing Coaching Packages: Crafting Magical Experiences

In the spirit of Disney’s meticulous storytelling, Christian life coaches design coaching packages that weave together a narrative of personal growth and transformation.

These packages become the magical experiences through which clients embark on their unique journeys toward spiritual and personal development.

  1. Marketing Your Business: Inviting Clients to Join the Adventure

Just as Disney characters invite audiences on unforgettable adventures, marketing a Christian life coaching business is an invitation.

It’s an opportunity to share the transformative magic, connect with prospective clients, and guide them toward a journey of faith, growth, and fulfillment.


In the grand tapestry of entrepreneurship, merging the principles of Christian life coaching with the enchantment of a Disney narrative creates a story of purpose, impact, and transformative power.

Through these eight building blocks, aspiring coaches embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary, inviting clients to step into a world where faith, coaching, and the magic of entrepreneurship converge.

Published by John W. Tanner, J.D.|M.S.

John holds four degrees (law, hotel management, literature & computer science, and theater), two decades of technical education, and has 30 years of extensive work experience in the fields of real estate property valuation, mortgage finance, home sales, teaching, and military service. John is the founder and Broker-Owner of Coleman Tanner Realty 🏡 in Florida. As a writer, John has been self-publishing books since 2012. His latest nonfiction book, The Entrefluential Broker, is a DIY guide to launching your own real estate brokerage business. John’s forthcoming book, STR Conversions, will inform real estate investors of how to quadruple their rental income via his new “hotel hacking” strategy. He plans on taking his lessons to online and offline speaking stages to share his tactics with investors in the second half of 2022. To discuss speaking engagements and workshops, interested parties can send inquiries to In addition to writing, John has a love for filmmaking that began while studying theater at Miami-Dade College in 1994. John plans on overseeing the shooting of an in-house “reality tv” show for his real estate practice, Coleman Tanner Realty. 🎬 John also aspires to executive produce independent films that will be a hybrid of the film noir + murder mystery genre and something new, futuristic, and aesthetically appealing to modern day film enthusiasts (think, anime in real life meets Sherlock Holmes). He also enjoys romantic comedies and Hallmark dramas; he wrote a romantic novella, Faithfully, available on Amazon (under the pen name of Jack Morgan) - so stay tuned for romance films as well. When he’s not 🖥 online studying film production, AirBnB, real estate, online marketing, or watching movies and his favorite TV shows on Netflix or the tube 📺 for inspiration. 🎼 John also enjoys playing the guitar 🎸 and piano 🎹 in his free time.

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